
If you would like to advertise in upcoming issues of Oftalmolog, you are most welcome to reach out to Assistant Editor at We have standard prices to ensure equal conditions for all involved. We may, however, give new advertisers in Oftalmolog a special introductory offer to allow them to be familiar with the opportunities the journal offers. Oftalmolog publishes advertisements from pharmaceutical companies, companies selling ophthalmological equipment, and companies/associations organizing conferences and events. In special circumstances, we may publish job positions in the printed version of Oftalmolog in addition to online advertisements.

Print distribution

Oftalmolog is distributed to all eye doctors in the Nordic Region twice yearly, free of charge. The views expressed in the articles and advertisements are not necessarily shared by the Editorial Board. Please let us know if you want Oftalmolog to be mailed to a different address, know anyone who may be new in the field and would like to receive the journal, or you no longer wish to receive the issues.

Digital distribution

Please subscribe to our newsletter if you wish to receive the latest issues electronically.


Oftalmolog strives for continual improvement in order to be the best platform for eye doctors across the Nordics. We are interested in receiving suggestions for improvements from you. Feedback helps us better serve our community of ophthalmologists in the years to come. We want Oftalmolog to be a dynamic journal, designing the magazine for and with our readers.

Send us an email at

Contact us

Postal address:
Oftalmolog v/Tor Paaske Utheim, Bygdøylund 11, 0286 Oslo, Norway

Layout: Emily Moschowits
Print and distribution: Green Graphic ApS, Denmark